Alabama Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Bufo, Kambo Ceremonies

Alabama Ayahuasca ceremonies, Psilocybin or “Magic Mushroom” ceremonies, Bufo Alvarius or Breath of Life ceremonies and Kambo detoxification ceremonies are available through Spirit of Truth Native American Church 501 C3. Ayahuasca has been used throughout the ages to help heal people from sickness and diseases. Ayahuasca is also used by those who seek spiritual enlightenment. Ayahuasca is also known as Mother Ayahuasca and or the Divine Feminine. The SPIRIT or The Great Physician is within Creation or the Sacred Sacraments: Ayahuasca, Kambo, Bufo Alvarius, Psilocybin, San Pedro, Peyote, Sanaga, Hape and other Plant SPIRIT Teacher Medicines. For information pertaining to Ayahuasca retreats, Psilocybin or Magic Mushroom retreats, Bufo Alvarius retreats or Kambo detox sessions, please contact Matthew “Fisher of Men” 859-489-9317. Matthew “Fisher of Men” is a Bona Fide Medicine Man who before called into Ministry owned multiple mental health / substance abuse facilities. His TwinFlame and Healing partner Lauren “Golden Leaf” is Bona Fide Medicine Woman who has certification as Reiki Master and Trainer.

Experience GOD Personally

Alabama Bufo Alvarius Ceremonies – Alabama Bufo Alvarius Healing Retreats

Bufo Avarius has been named the Crown Jewel of Plant Teacher Spirit Medicines or the Sacred Sacraments. Matthew “Fisher of Men” refers to this sacred sacrament as The Breath of Life for both personal/professional and experiential reasons. Bufo is stems from the Bufo Alvarius Toad and is extracted as a secretion. The medicine, The Great Physician is then consumed through inhalation. Matthew “Fisher of Men” uses less medicine and instructs guests / participants to hold the SPIRIT as long as possible as if your very last breath. It is at this time, faith takes over and SPIRIT flows in and brings the guest / participant into a state of oneness with The All. If you would like to learn more about Bufo ceremonies in Alabama, please reach out to us 859-489-9317 or visit Divine Bliss Living and fill out an application.

Alabama Psilocybin or Sacred Sacrament Magic Mushrooms Ceremonies – Psilocybin Healing Retreats

Alabama Psilocybin ceremonies or Alabama Magic Mushroom retreats are becoming more mainstream as Big Pharma now has taken interest in the profitability side of Plant Medicines or Sacred Sacraments being used in Healing mind, body and soul. Synthetic psilocybin is being pushed out rather than natural, purely organic and “psychedelic”. Mushrooms as the most sustainable of the Plant SPIRIT Teacher Medicines as they can be cultivated easily and mass produced without damaging the Amazon or Nature. Lauren Golden Leaf” refers to these beautiful teachers as the “Disciples” and Matthew “Fisher of Men” says, he has had the Greatest “Shifts” while in SPIRIT after consuming 3.5 grams of Mushrooms. However, he says, all the medicines are for our use and benefit, only SPIRIT has us using/consuming/working with one or two usually at a time for a period of time, at least that is his experience over the past decade working with SPIRIT, in SPIRIT.

Alabama Kambo Detoxification for Addiction and for Spiritual Enlightenment

Matthew “Fisher of Men” states, Kambo and Serpent of Light seen guided him to leave Cancer center and he said, he was sure glad that he did as he was already healed/cured. Kambo saved his life. Kambo goes into the cell and removes all the toxins and bring the cell to life again to produce health cells. Kambo is said to now remove trauma at the cellular level. Matthew “Fisher of Men” says, he was taken with the cell, he saw how the body is at war against all the GMO Foods and poisons in the air and products we consume. He says, that we are living in a world that is geared towards Men Ruling Everything and woman not producing anymore as Evil aims to reproduce human beings through tech companies like Nuerolink or synthetic wombs. We are seeing more homosexuality and less fertility than ever before. He believes this is all a process of DNA manipulation that now must come to an end as Human Design / We are perfected!

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